Personal Injury Attorneys in Orange County

OCTLA & OCWLA logosSuffering an injury is upsetting enough on its own. When you find out that it was the result of someone’s negligence and could have been prevented, it’s even worse. Luckily, California law allows victims of another party’s negligence to seek compensation with a personal injury claim.

If you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s action or inaction, it’s time to find an attorney who can help.

Each of the law firms featured on this page is a verified local Orange County firm, so you can trust the advice you get from a local personal injury attorney.

Contact an Orange County personal injury lawyer listed below to discuss your personal injury claim and get your questions answered.

Orange County Personal Injury Lawyers:

Morey & Upton

Morey & Upton

William D. Shapiro Law, Inc.

William D. Shapiro Law, Inc.

Hicks Law Firm

Hicks Law Firm

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Helpful Information About Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer

  • You can research the Bar license status, suspensions or reprimands of an attorney at the California Bar Association website.
  • The California Bar Association does not have a “Specialty” certification for personal injury law like some other areas of practice, but many personal injury lawyers choose to focus their entire practice on personal injury matters.
  • Personal injury lawyers are paid on contingency, typically 33% – 45% (plus case costs), you can read more about this below.
  • Some attorneys will be able to meet with you at their office, your home, the hospital, or over Zoom. It’s important to ask these questions when you call.

Types of Personal Injuries

Personal injury is a huge area of law that encompasses lots of different cases. We make it easy to find attorneys for incidents involving:

Personal Injury Attorneys Near Me:

Joseph Richards, P.C....

1122 E Lincoln Ave Suite 130, Orange, CA 92865
1122 E Lincoln Ave Suite 130, Orange, CA 92865

Ali Komaili...

17581 Irvine Blvd. Suite 112 Tustin, CA 92780
17581 Irvine Blvd. Suite 112 Tustin, CA 92780

Bisnar Chase...

1301 Dove St. Newport Beach, CA 92660
1301 Dove St. Newport Beach, CA 92660

Jamal Injury Law P.C....

16168 Beach Blvd Suite 140, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
16168 Beach Blvd Suite 140, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Accident & Injury Laws in California

Each state has its own personal injury laws, which is why it’s so important to work with a reliable and experienced personal injury attorney in Orange County. Their knowledge of California’s personal injury laws will help you avoid unnecessary delays that could cost you money.

In California, most personal injury claims are held to a two-year statute of limitations. The primary exception involves cases against the government at any level. In this case, you must follow specific rules and you only have six months to file your claim. However, there are exceptions to rules and you should discuss the unique circumstances of your matter with a qualified local injury lawyer.

California is one of many states with a pure comparative negligence rule. If you are partially at fault for the accident that led to your injuries, your compensation will be affected. Your total award will be decreased in an amount proportionate to your share of fault. For example, imagine you have $50,000 in damages in an injury claim. The court finds that you are 20% at fault for the accident. Rather than collecting $50,000, you would collect $40,000 after deducting 20% for your share of fault. However, these rules are only used in the courtroom. Negotiations outside the courtroom—where most personal injury claims are decided—are not held to the same legal standard of pure comparative negligence.

How is a Personal Injury Lawyer Paid?

Nearly all personal injury lawyers take cases on contingency. A personal injury contingency fee is a type of fee arrangement where the lawyer representing the client only gets paid if the claim is successful (through settlement or verdict). The fee is a percentage of the award and it is regulated by California state law. The lawyer covers the upfront costs of the case and deducts them from the settlement or award before taking their percentage.

The contingency fee percentage can vary depending on the lawyer and the specifics of the case, but it typically ranges between 33% and 45% of the settlement or award. The percentage can be higher if the case goes to trial, as this requires additional work, investment and resources on the part of the law firm.

It is essential that you understand the terms of the contingency agreement before signing it, and ask questions if you’re unsure about any aspect of it.

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

Determining if you have a personal injury case can be complicated because of the numerous moving parts. It’s highly recommended that you consult with a personal injury lawyer since all attorneys provide a free consultation regarding injury matters. However, there are some key factors to consider when assessing whether you have an “actionable” case:

  1. Liability: You must be able to prove that another party is liable for your injuries. This means showing that the other party had a duty of care to you, and that they breached that duty of care, resulting in injury.
  2. Damages: You must have suffered damages as a result of your injuries. Damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain & suffering.
  3. Causation: There must be a clear link between the other party’s actions (or in-actions) and your injuries. This means showing that the other party’s breach of duty of care was the direct cause of your damages.
  4. Time Limit: There is a time limit (Statute of Limitations) to file a personal injury claim, which depends on the circumstances of your injury. It is important to consult with a lawyer and file a personal injury claim within the statute of limitations.
  5. Adequate Evidence: You and your attorney must be able to provide adequate evidence to support your claim. This can include medical records, witness statements, and other documentation.

It’s important to note that every case is unique, and you should consult with a personal injury lawyer who can evaluate the specific circumstances of your case and advise you on your legal options. They will be able to guide you through the process,answer your questions, and help you to understand your rights and responsibilities.

What to Expect During Your Free Initial Consultation

During your free initial consultation with an Orange County personal injury lawyer, you’ll typically need to gather information regarding your claim. This may include:

  1. Details about the incident that caused the injury, such as the date, time, location, and circumstances surrounding the event.
  2. Information about the injuries sustained, including the type of injury, the severity, and the impact on the client’s daily life.
  3. Medical records and bills related to the injury, as well as any treatment received or ongoing care needs.
  4. Information about any insurance policies that may apply to the case, including health insurance, auto insurance, and homeowner’s insurance.
  5. Contact information for any witnesses to the incident.
  6. Any correspondence or documentation related to the incident, such as police reports, accident reports insurance claims adjuster communications.
  7. Information about the your employment status and any lost wages or income as a result of your injury.
  8. Be prepared to ask questions about your prospective attorney’s experience and if they’ve handled similar claims/cases.
  9. You will be asked to sign a retainer which will allow the attorney to legally represent you to the insurance company and in court.

Being properly prepared during the initial consultation will save you time and help to get your questions answered quickly and accurately. This also allows the attorney to assess the potential strength of your claim and provide guidance on the next steps in the legal process.

How Much is a Personal Injury Case Worth?

The value of a personal injury case can vary significantly from one case to another and depends on numerous complex factors. It’s crucial to understand that there is no fixed formula or predetermined amount for any given personal injury case. The value is determined based on the specific circumstances and details of each case. Here are some key factors that influence the worth of a personal injury case:

  1. Severity of Injuries: The extent and severity of the injuries sustained by the plaintiff (the injured party) play a significant role in determining the case’s value. More severe injuries often result in higher compensation.
  2. Medical Expenses: The total cost of medical treatment, including hospitalization, surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, is a crucial factor. Medical bills are usually a significant component of the damages sought.
  3. Lost Income: Compensation for lost wages or the inability to work due to the injury is another important consideration. This includes past and future earnings that the plaintiff would have earned if not for the injury.
  4. Pain and Suffering: Non-economic damages, such as physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are subjective but are often included in the compensation calculation. The value of pain and suffering can be challenging to quantify.
  5. Property Damage: If the accident resulted in damage to the plaintiff’s property, such as a vehicle in a car accident, the cost of repairing or replacing the property is typically factored into the case’s worth.
  6. Breach of Duty: Breach of duty, in the context of personal injury law, refers to the failure of an individual or entity to uphold a legal duty of care owed to another person. This breach occurs when someone does not act reasonably or with the expected standard of care in a given situation.
  7. Liability and Negligence: The degree of fault or negligence on the part of the defendant (the party being sued) can impact the case’s value. If the defendant’s actions were particularly egregious or reckless, punitive damages may also be awarded.
  8. Insurance Coverage: The insurance policies of both parties involved can affect the available compensation. If the defendant has significant insurance coverage, it may increase the potential recovery amount.
  9. Legal Representation: The quality of legal representation can influence the outcome of a case. Experienced Orange County personal injury attorneys who’ve handled numerous cases may be better equipped to maximize the compensation their clients receive.
  10. Preexisting Conditions: The presence of preexisting medical conditions or injuries can complicate the case and may affect the amount of compensation awarded.
  11. Statute of Limitations: Filing a lawsuit within the applicable statute of limitations is essential. Failing to meet deadlines can prevent you from pursuing your claim.

It’s essential to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can assess the specific details of your case, calculate the damages, and provide a realistic estimate of its potential value. Each case is unique, and the outcome can depend on the specific circumstances and the strength of the evidence presented.

Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit on My Own?

While it’s technically possible for an individual to handle their own personal injury claim, it’s important to understand the potential risks and drawbacks involved. In a straightforward claim where liability is clear and damages are easy to calculate, it may be feasible for a non-lawyer to pursue compensation on their own. However, for more complex cases, attempting to represent oneself can be extremely risky.

One of the primary challenges of handling a personal injury claim without legal representation is that it’s easy to miss opportunities for improving the compensation available. A skilled personal injury attorney can carefully review the facts of the case and identify elements that might otherwise be overlooked, such as additional insurance coverage, potential sources of compensation, potential defenses to overcome, or legal theories that strengthen or weaken your claim.

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case in California?

In accordance with California law, an insurance company is obligated to resolve a personal injury claim within 85 days from the date of filing in California. This timeline can be broken down as follows:

  • Within 15 days, the insurance company is required to acknowledge the receipt of the claim.
  • Within 40 days, the insurance company must reach a decision regarding the claim.
  • If the claim is approved, the insurance company is given 30 days to issue the final payment.

However, it’s important to note that the actual duration for settling most personal injury cases can vary significantly. This variability can range from a few weeks to several years, contingent upon various factors such as the intricacy of the case, the severity of injuries sustained, and the willingness of the involved parties to engage in negotiations for a settlement.

What Kind of Injuries Will a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?

Personal injury lawyers handle a wide range of specific injuries that result from accidents or incidents caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions. Here is a detailed list of specific injuries that personal injury attorneys commonly handle:

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a type of injury that occurs when there is a sudden, severe trauma or blow to the head, leading to damage to the brain. TBIs can vary widely in their severity, from mild concussions to severe and life-threatening injuries. These injuries can result from head trauma in accidents like car crashes, falls, or sports-related incidents. TBIs can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a traumatic injury that affects the spinal cord, which is a vital part of the central nervous system responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Injuries to the spinal cord often result in paralysis, such as paraplegia or quadriplegia, and can occur in accidents like car accidents, falls, or acts of violence.

Burn Injuries

Personal injury lawyers handle cases involving burns caused by fires, explosions, hot liquids, or chemicals, which can lead to severe scarring and long-term complications. Burn injuries are classified based on the severity and depth of the tissue damage they cause. The most commonly used classification system for burn injuries is the “degree” system, which categorizes burns into 1 to 3 degrees, with a fourth category sometimes added for certain types of deep burns.

broken ankleFractures and Broken Bones

A fracture, commonly referred to as a broken bone, occurs when there is a disruption or crack in the continuity of a bone. Fractures can range from minor cracks to severe breaks with multiple bone fragments. These injuries can happen in various ways, including falls, accidents, sports injuries, or other traumatic events. Accidents often cause fractures, breaks, or multiple bone injuries, which may require surgeries, prolonged rehabilitation, and result in chronic pain.

Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft tissue injury refers to damage or trauma to the soft tissues of the body and can occur in various ways, such as through accidents, sports injuries, overuse, or sudden movements. These injuries are common and can vary in severity. These include injuries to muscles, tendons, and ligaments, often resulting from slip and falls, car accidents, or sports injuries. Soft tissue injuries can lead to chronic pain and mobility issues.


Accidents involving heavy machinery, power tools, or severe trauma can lead to the loss of limbs, requiring prosthetic devices and significant lifestyle adjustments. Amputations can occur as a result of various types of injuries, accidents, or medical conditions that cause severe damage to a limb or body part.Amputations are typically performed by surgeons and involve the removal of the damaged or non-viable part of the limb while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. The level of the amputation is determined by the extent of the injury or condition and the potential for functional prosthetic use. After amputation, individuals often require rehabilitation and prosthetic devices to regain mobility and function to the best extent possible.

Internal Organ Injuries

An internal organ injury refers to damage or trauma to the internal organs of the body, which are located within the chest and abdominal cavities. These injuries can result from various causes, such as accidents, falls, sports injuries, or medical conditions. Internal organ injuries can vary in severity, ranging from minor bruises or contusions to life-threatening damage. Blunt force trauma or penetrating injuries can cause damage to internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, or kidneys, which may require surgery and ongoing medical care.

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is a type of neck injury that typically occurs when the head is suddenly and forcefully jerked backward and then forward. This rapid back-and-forth motion can strain or injure the neck’s muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. Whiplash is most commonly associated with rear-end car accidents, but it can also happen in other situations involving sudden acceleration or deceleration forces.

Orthopedic Injuries

Personal injury lawyers often handle cases involving orthopedic injuries like torn ligaments (e.g., ACL tears), dislocated joints, and other musculoskeletal injuries. An orthopedic injury is an injury that affects the musculoskeletal system, which includes the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other structures that support and enable movement in the body. Orthopedic injuries can range from minor strains and sprains to more severe conditions like fractures and dislocations. These injuries can result from various causes, including accidents, overuse, sports injuries, and degenerative conditions.

Vision and Hearing Loss

Accidents involving explosions, loud noises, or head injuries can lead to partial or complete vision and hearing loss, which may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Vision and hearing loss can have a profound impact on a person’s life, affecting their physical, emotional, social, and daily functioning. The extent of the impact can vary depending on the severity of the loss, whether it is partial or total, and whether it occurred suddenly or gradually.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Emotional and psychological trauma can result from a personal injury, and individuals may experience it in various ways. The experience of trauma can vary widely depending on the individual’s resilience, the severity of the injury, and their support system.It’s important to recognize that emotional and psychological trauma is a normal response to a traumatic event. Seeking professional help from mental health providers, such as therapists or counselors, is often essential to address and manage these emotional and psychological challenges.

Crush Injuries

A crush injury, often referred to simply as a “crush injury,” is a type of injury that occurs when a body part is subjected to significant pressure or force, usually due to a heavy object or machinery. This force can lead to severe damage to the affected area, including the muscles, bones, blood vessels, and nerves. Crush injuries can be caused by various accidents and situations, and they can range from mild to extremely severe, potentially resulting in long-term complications or even amputation.

Nerve Damage

Accidents can cause nerve injuries, resulting in chronic pain, loss of sensation, or muscle weakness. Nerve damage, also known as neuropathy, refers to any condition in which there is damage or dysfunction in the body’s nerves. Nerves are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain, spinal cord, and the rest of the body, allowing for sensation, movement, and the regulation of bodily functions. When nerves are damaged, it can lead to a wide range of symptoms and impairments.

Scarring and Disfigurement

Permanent scarring and disfigurement resulting from an accident can have a significant and lasting impact on someone’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The effects can be both visible and deeply personal, affecting various aspects of a person’s life. Some ways in which permanent scarring and disfigurement can impact someone after an accident are emotional & psychological distress and social isolation.

Chronic Pain Syndromes

Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS) is a condition characterized by persistent, often debilitating, pain that continues for an extended period, typically lasting for six months or longer. This condition can result from various underlying medical conditions or injuries, and it involves not only the physical sensation of pain but also emotional and psychological factors that contribute to the overall experience of suffering. Some injuries result in long-term or chronic pain conditions, such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or fibromyalgia, which can impact a person’s quality of life.

An experienced and well-qualified personal injury lawyer will work to secure compensation for their clients to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other long term damages resulting from these specific injuries.

Dealing With the Insurance Company Claims Adjuster

If you suffer an injury in Orange County, you may have to deal with insurance companies and their adjusters. Insurance adjusters are pleasant but their job, and primary goal is to settle cases quickly and for the lowest amount possible. They will use any information you give them to do this. It is best to let an Orange County personal injury attorney handle negotiations with the insurance company.

However, if an insurance agent contacts you, you should be polite and calm, understand who you are speaking to, not give too much detailed information. Don’t give in to pressure to settle, and always refuse to have the call recorded. It’s recommended to let your attorney handle ALL communication with the insurance agents. An experienced lawyer will know to best respond to questions and present information in the best way possible.

Hiring Expert Witnesses for Personal Injury Trials

An expert witness in a personal injury lawsuit plays a crucial role in providing specialized knowledge and testimony to assist the court in understanding complex issues relevant to the case. These experts are typically professionals with specialized expertise, qualifications, and experience in a specific field related to the lawsuit. Types of expert witnesses commonly involved in personal injury cases include medical experts, accident reconstruction experts, engineers, forensic experts, vocational experts, and more, depending on the nature of the case. Their testimony and opinions can have a significant impact on the outcome of a personal injury lawsuit, helping the court and jury make informed decisions about liability and damages.

Why You Need an Experienced Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer

Whether it comes down to a settlement or a trial, you’ll want an attorney on your side. Without one, the insurance company will do everything they can to manipulate you, offer you as little as possible, and weaken your credibility. You deserve fair compensation for your injuries, and with a personal injury attorney in Orange County, you can give yourself a fighting chance at it.

Our listed Orange County personal injury attorneys are vetted and verified to be part of your community. Reach out to one of our listed law firms today to get more personalized information and advice regarding your personal injury claim.

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