About OrangeCountyLawyers.com

OrangeCountyLawyers.com is a hand curated legal directory and local legal news outlet. We list law firms from a wide variety of practice areas that are physically located, or have a physical location in Orange County, California. This is verified through a firm member’s California State Bar profile(s), and/or through verified addresses listed publicly on their website. We also go to great lengths to make sure that each profile is personally edited by a member of our team to ensure accuracy and up-to-date information about local law firms.

OrangeCountyLawyers.com regularly publishes legal news, with opinions and legal context added from local attorneys whenever possible.

OrangeCountyLawyers.com was created by Doug Bradley, Owner of Everest Legal Marketing, as a way to help people in Orange County qualify and connect with verified local attorneys as well as deliver unique legal news. Doug Bradley has over a decade of experience in law firm marketing, having had his start as a sales representative at a major legal directory.

Involvement in the Legal Community

OrangeCountyLawyers.com takes pride in supporting local attorneys by offering a free listing to any local attorney or law firm. Additionally, we support local legal organizations like the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association (OCTLA) the Orange County Women Lawyers Association (OCWLA), and run the free, private Facebook group “Ask an Orange County Lawyer” which allows people to ask questions of local attorneys.

OrangeCountyLawyers.com also provides free, professional photos of Orange County courthouses to any law firm, news outlet, blogger or media organization that wishes to use them on their website(s) for commercial purposes.


If you have questions or would like to request a free profile, or request an update to a published profile simply contact us here.

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