Law Offices of James T. Raetz

Law Firm Info

Law Offices of James T. Raetz


7545 Irvine Center Dr, Irvine, CA 92618

Law Offices of James T. Raetz

Whether you are struggling with a complex divorce, contentious child custody and visitation modifications, support enforcement or need a restraining order, Mr. Raetz and his staff work hard to promote your best interests.

We realize that domestic disputes cause a great deal of emotional, psychological and financial stress. Courtroom battles can be even more costly and time-consuming, causing further strain on our clients’ well-being. Thus, where appropriate, we first employ alternative means for dispute resolution, such as negotiation, mediation or collaborative law methods, which require little or no court intervention. However, our experience has also demonstrated that some cases require courtroom litigation to vindicate your rights or achieve your goals. When strong advocacy through courtroom litigation is needed (often as a last resort), we are always prepared to go to trial to protect your interests.

Law Firm Info
About Law Offices of James T. Raetz

Practice Areas

  • Family Law Attorneys

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